6 Ways to reduce bounce rate during the Black Friday sale

6 Ways to reduce bounce rate during the Black Friday sale

Team Sync Made Easy

Published on November 10, 2023

Ecommerce holiday campaigns revolve around strategizing and executing marketing activities to have higher conversion rates on the big sale days. So, to ensure you have good conversion rates for this holiday season sale, you must check some important metrics, such as your bounce rates for your Shopify store.

But first, what is the bounce rate?

The percentage of users who leave your website shortly after landing at the homepage is known as the “bounce rate.” An increasing bounce rate indicates a decline in potential customers.

Now let’s talk about the ways to reduce bounce rate during the Black Friday sale.

Tactics to reduce Bounce rates

All the deals and promotions you chalked out will go in vain if customers turn away just seconds after they have arrived on your landing page. This means either your landing page is boring or you are not offering the right content to the right customer.
Google Support says the bounce rate can go higher for many reasons such as boring content, faulty implementation of tracking codes, site design, etc.

We can fix bounce rates in the ways shared below.

Use Google Analytics to your advantage:

Identifying the root of the issue is the first step in solving bounce rate problems. There are a variety of reasons why bounce rates could rise, so figuring out where the issue is will help you decide what to do next. To gain insight into your Audience Overview, Channels, All Traffic, and All Page reports, use Google Analytics. Event tracking data can be configured to follow user behavior. You can determine whether to modify the content or the call to action on your page by analyzing the event tracking data.

Site Speed performance:

The primary cause of high bounce rates on websites is their loading speed. If it takes longer than three seconds for your website to load, visitors will start to leave. Here again, Google Analytics allows you to check the speed of each individual page on your website. It will be wise to conduct a website performance test in advance of the major sale. For better website performance overall, you can also optimize your photos and implement a content delivery network.

Target right keywords:

Develop content as per the audience’s preferences while targeting the appropriate keywords. This will lower bounce rates by attracting relevant customers to your website. Combining your Google Analytics account with Google Search Console will enable you to identify terms that have greater click-through rates. After that, you can choose the keywords that best fit your content. In order to attract customers, don’t forget to include eye-catching call to action in your content. Additionally, don’t forget to leverage the trending search terms that you find by checking your onsite search terms in your search bar and incorporating them into your content.


After the customer lands on your homepage, navigation is crucial in directing them to the appropriate product page. Confusing navigation might drive away customers and raise your bounce rate.

Here are some creative methods to make navigating engaging:

  • linking related products or articles
  • adding useful links to the sidebar
  • citing archived articles in new blogs
  • Including internal links in your posts

Setting up local pages:

Setting up a local website to target customers in your area will be a smart move, since Google organizes search results based on region. Getting local helps lower your website’s bounce rate by bringing in more relevant traffic. In order to drive traffic to your website for the Black Friday sale, get your company listed on the map and make yourself visible to the people in your community.

Manage traffic:

In order to prevent any technological issues on D-day, you should also get your retail site ready. Verify that your website loads quickly and is accessible from all browsers. In order to maintain the security of your customers’ information, you should also confirm that you currently have a valid SSL certificate.
Thus, use content optimization, load balancing, scalability, and a content delivery network (CDN) to ensure a seamless Black Friday sale. Establish a plan for emergency scaling, prioritize important information, and keep an eye on things. Implement DDoS protection, think about a distributed architecture, and run performance tests frequently.


In conclusion, following these tips to lower your bounce rate can help your website remain in good condition for the Black Friday sales.
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Additionally, you may easily connect your Shopify store with Salesforce using our highly successful Shopify and Salesforce connector app, Sync Made Easy, if you want to manage all of your e-commerce stores on a single, all-inclusive platform. You may start integrating Shopify and Salesforce effortlessly at any time by installing the app from Salesforce AppExchange!

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