Timelines For Upcoming Holiday Season: E-commerce Strategy

Timelines For Upcoming Holiday Season: E-commerce Strategy

Team Sync Made Easy

Published on September 1, 2023

The holiday season is approaching and we expect you are on the verge of preparation for the upcoming holiday season by now. This season US retail holiday season sales are expected to cross $1.3 trillion in 2023.

To ace the holiday sales, as Shopify merchants you need to update yourself with the upcoming holiday predictions and strategies. These strategies will play a vital role in providing successful sales perspectives for the upcoming holiday season.

Continuing on the holiday strategy, in this blog today, we have brought the timelines for the upcoming holiday season so that you can give a final touchup to your strategy.

So now, without much ado, let’s get started with the blog.

It’s Only Early September But The Holiday Season Is Upon Shoppers

It has been observed that by this time many shoppers have already started holiday shopping. You must wrap up your holiday strategic planning and focus on capitalizing on your purchasing intent.

You should not wait too long to start brand awareness otherwise you miss out on the big profits.ᅠAlso, focus on your current customers or subscribers, and lure them with early personalized offers. At the same time, many buyers are in research mode, You must focus on brand awareness and work on attractive offers for first-time buyers, etc. so that maximum shoppers get attracted and turn up as a key factor in revenue generation.

Cyber Week, The Peak Time

A large portion of US holiday revenue generation is during Cyber Week. This is the time to give maximum offers and the apt time to attract new customers to your brand. Also, be clear on the product description, shipping time, and delivery updates, any confusion on this may lead to losing your customer.

This period may be Black Friday, Cyber Week or Cyber Monday is the time to drive maximum traffic to your website. This year, Cyber Monday falls on November 27th.

Make sure you don’t forget your customers who have just visited your site and didn’t make a purchase, or the new customers or the existing customers as December is approaching and we still have time to generate enough profit.

It’s December, Christmas & New Year Time

This is the time when the holiday season is coming to an end, but you don’t have to slow down. By now you have created enough of your new client database during Cyber Week. Now you need to work on building trust with them and offer them personalized offers based on their wishlist or the search history on your website, or just by giving additional discounts.

The shoppers who have visited your site and did not make a purchase, you should send tempting offers based on their search and likings. This time try to make the best deals out for the maximum income and gain the trust of the new customers.

This is the time when your honest shoppers will be on your side and will make enough purchases, make sure you keep the trust of your brand and always keep your existing customers a top priority.


With the series of our previous blogs on the upcoming holiday season in our blog section, we are hopeful that this blog will spice up your strategy planning and give you a last-moment heads-up.

Hopefully, these timelines may positively impact your holiday strategy, so stay tuned for the more informative blogs. Also don’t forget to install our app Sync Made Easy on AppExchange to enhance your business to the next level.

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