Top 5 Strategies to Reduce Abandoned Carts in your Shopify Store

Top 5 Strategies to Reduce Abandoned Carts in your Shopify Store

Team Sync Made Easy

Published on October 21, 2022

Did you know that the average global cart abandonment rate is a depressing 69.7%?

And making it worse is the fact that these numbers soar during the holiday season, the time when a store ought to make the most sales.

There are multiple reasons behind customers leaving abandoned carts, like high added costs, long shipping time, and long check-out process being the top ones.

The good news, however, is that it is possible to reduce and recover these carts by identifying the reason behind customers behaving as such and implementing strategies to reduce the number of abandoned carts.

5 Strategies to reduce abandoned carts

Listed here are 5 top strategies you can use to reduce the rate of your abandoned carts. Let’s dive in-

1. Offer multiple payment options

Imagine coming at check-out only to find limited payment options, that too, the ones that require you to put personal information.
Shopify users have the advantage of using Shopify Payments to offer multiple payment options to customers to choose from. This will elevate the chances of customers completing the purchase right then.

2. Use Exit-intent Pop-ups

Using exit-intent pop-ups can tip the balance in your favor, by providing the last-minute push to make customers make the purchase. You can use apps like Privy or Pop-up window to get the pop-up. Also, note that the pop-up should not interfere with browsing as it may irritate users. A crisp, well-timed pop-up is what you should aim for.

3. Discard the compulsory account registration

This practice simplifies the checking-out process. Though you may want customers to register for targeted marketing later. Making it compulsory may lead to customer annoyance, instead offer a choice to check out as a guest for people who want to ditch the whole process of creating an account.

4. Employ your data to make changes

Extract the abandonment data of your data store and analyze it to understand the trends and make changes accordingly to create a better customer experience.
A cloud based CRM like Salesforce can provide you great insights into customer behaviour and help you plan a better strategy and give more personalized services.

As an example, let’s say you see that most abandoned carts occur before the winter festive season, looking at the trend, running a promotion ad may help you.

5. Offer free or low shipping costs

The more the added costs at check-out, the less likely the chances of the customer completing the purchase. However, offering free shipping on every product may not be possible for everyone. Instead, try offering free shipping to carts with a certain order value. This strategy may also earn you higher-valued sales.


Here, we come to the end of another ‘Top 5’ article for your Shopify store. Hope you found the write-up helpful and will put the strategies to use.
And, if you wish to connect your Shopify store with Salesforce to get the benefits, try Sync Made Easy , a free and easy tool that offers seamless integration in real-time. Get the app from Salesforce AppExchange today!

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