Top 5 mistakes to watch out for while selling on Shopify

Top 5 mistakes to watch out for while selling on Shopify

Team Sync Made Easy

Published on May 13, 2022

If you are new to Shopify, you must be dealing with heaps of tasks that might leave you scratching your heads. And, there are possibilities that you might make some mistakes that could impact your sales.

As Shopify has become a niche platform for companies to build and grow their online store backed by massive success, it is surely worth testing the waters for.

But as you dabble into Shopify for the first time, you must be aware of the mistakes to watch out for while selling on Shopify.

Once you avert those Shopify mistakes, you can achieve resounding success with the advanced tools and functionality provided by Shopify.

So, let us check out the top 5 mistakes to watch out for while selling on Shopify for the first time.

Not planning a solid marketing strategy

Having a strong marketing plan is the cornerstone of achieving success. A good marketing strategy gives you an overview of your ideal selling cycle by outlining your target audience, promotional setups, selling tactics, and ultimate business goals.

Ideally, your initial marketing plan should focus on your USP and brand message along with your target audience with demographic, current visitors, and cost-effective promotions.

You must keep a place for remarketing also as it improves conversion rates and CLV(Customer Life Time Value).

Not paying attention to first-time visitors

Welcoming your first-time visitors is very essential for creating a lasting impression on your new customers. Still, many Shopifiers make this common mistake in the rush of an ideal launch or other marketing campaigns.

But if you pay attention to your first-timers, you can set the foundation of further communications with them and create a strong database of loyal customers.

Here are some basic things you can do to impress your new visitors.

  • Welcome them with an enticing copy of your landing page conveying your brand message
  • Make your landing page, fast, easy to navigate, and visually appealing
  • Show pop-ups giving off a welcoming vibe and send welcome emails
  • Provide offers, discounts, or coupons on first-time deals.

Not realizing the importance of PPC Ads

It is one of those grave mistakes to watch out for while selling on Shopify as it is a great way to increase leads and conversions.

Not taking the PPC (Pay Per Click) ads seriously, Shopifiers may suffer losses in the long run. Some of the benefits of PPC are-

  • You can reduce cost per click with well-planned PPC Campaigns
  • It provides the flexibility to start small, measure ROI, and then expand investments
  • You can pull out your ads anytime if you don’t get returns
  • Generates leads faster than organic SEO

Having said all of this, crafting smart PPC campaigns requires a nuanced understanding of the campaign style. But the good news is that Shopify provides tools to integrate PPC campaigns with Shopify for starters.

Having a complicated Payment process

A complicated payment process is every Shopifier’s worst nightmare. A complex Payment process leads to cart abandonment.

Many Shopify merchants add lengthy fields on their payment page so that they can collect more data. Of Course, Data is essential but filling too many fields irate the customer, and they abort shopping.

You can make your payment process simple by

  • Keeping minimum steps
  • Keeping account creation at the end
  • Collect only necessary data
  • Giving quite a few options for payment

Not connecting your Shopify store to Salesforce CRM

As mentioned at the beginning, new Shopify merchants have to manage a lot of tasks and work on various tools meant for different purposes. This consumes a lot of time and hampers productivity as well.

And, this is exactly why it is so important to link your Shopify store with the no.1 CRM software, Salesforce, at the very start of your Shopify business.

By integrating your store into Salesforce, you not only get precise insights into your customers but also can leverage its advanced marketing tools to ace up your e-commerce game and deliver a better brand experience to your customers.

Editor’s Tip: Connect your Shopify store to Salesforce with Sync Made Easy

If you are willing to integrate your Shopify store with the best connector app, try out the Sync Made Easy app.

This efficient connector app acts as a comprehensive platform to bring all your eCommerce entities into Salesforce so that you can boost your sales and customer service.

The app assures data security, real-time sync, and seamless transition of data, without any redundancy. It is one of the popular apps on Salesforce AppExchange and costs no penny.

Wrap Up

We hope you enjoyed this write-up. For more insights on Shopify and the eCommerce world, stay connected to us.

Also, if you need help with setting up Sync Made Easy, schedule a demo here! Adios!!

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